Thursday, September 21, 2006


The Mormons are not Methodists.

Suburbians look down upon city dwellers.
City dwellers think suburbians are snobbish.
There is an attitude towards community college students.
Private colleges have airs.
There are neighborhoods one should not enter.

Different societies in colleges : * Indian Student Association, African Student Association, Jewish Forum, Hispanic…

Indians love fair skins. They dislike Africans.
A major part of the African population is uneducated. They cannot stand the snobbish air these ultra educated Indians wear.

Red Necks.


Liberals watch Fox News.
Republics watch…I don’t know what. Philadelphia is heavily Liberal.
Liberals and Republics never watch each other’s television networks or listen to one another’s radio.
It is impossible for the liberal and the republic to have a real conversation

One half of the population is pretty much a wall for the other half of the population.

A liberal and republic debate in an interesting talk show. They never answer each other’s questions. They only answer and counter answer themselves.

One half of the population has no idea what the other means.

My fiction teacher thinks the poetry department is stupid.
I don’t know what the poetry department thinks. I don’t hang out with the poetry department, not really.
Fiction and poetry do not really mix.

USA is a cauldron where nothing mixes.

Go to China Town. There are only Chinese there.

Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Jewish Christian Church, the Orthodox Church, Baptist Church, St John the Evangelist Church, African Methodist Church, Lutheran Church, Quaker Church – Churches, their names, their people. I have entered only two Churches, one the Lutheran Church to which my landlady belongs and which is plush with beauty. They sing choirs. They have an orchestra. They have an organ that blew my tiny mind. I feel rather tiny before its elegance. The other church, one to which my friend’s mother belongs (my friend does not belong to any church) is a simpler affair. It has no choir, no orchestra, no grand organs. It caters to poorer folks and comes forward in a poorer garb.
People, like liquids of different densities, do not mix. The poor do not enter the exemplified style of rich churches. The rich are not usually seen in poor people’s space of worship. The black stay confined to black churches. The Quakers don’t believe in the Catholics. The Lutherans will tell you what is wrong with the Quakers.
They are all Christians and united in Christianity.

You work. Work is worship.

If you like a girl, ask her out.
Rules of dating. # 1 – don’t call her for at least a week after you have told her you like her. If you can help it, don’t call her for two weeks. Don’t let her know you like her. Don’t let her suspect you want to share your precious space with her.

If you like a boy wait till he asks you out. It’s not cool to ask a guy out.

There is sexual equality in America. There are dating sites.

It sucks to be lonely so date. Date date date till you find your partner.
Don’t live with your parents. It’s not cool.

Be cultured. Like art, like poetry.
Be cool.